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This time around, current incarnation, brings you lists. Not just any lists, but THE lists! The TOP lists, lists of what's best, fastest, yummiest, snuggeliest, deliciousest, and all those other "-est" words.
Check back every single day, every single hour, refresh your browser every single minute, to make sure you have the latest late-breaking, lately added, zero-latency updates. Make sure you're up-to-date on what lists are the TOPS!
While you're at it, why not visit some of our advertisers, to see what they have to sell you? Have your credit card ready! (Note: Please ignore this declamation as we have no advertisers at present. Consider it wishful thinking on our part.)
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Do you agree with one of our lists? Disagree? (How dare you!) Love it? Despise it? Just want to chat? Well, now you can leave your mark for posterior with our handy new comments feature. Leave a note or idle gossip under any of our top nn lists. Someone might read your comment and respond. Wouldn't that be just ducky? Certainly it would, so certainly leave a comment or two if you like. (Note to internet robots: this invitation is NOT extended to you. Please go to huffington post or some such place for your nefarious legerdemain.)
(Wait a sec...did I write "mark for posterior"?! I really meant to write "leave your mark for posterity". Honest.
What's New on Compassplant?
What's New? Glad you asked! Wish we had a better answer for you, but for now, put up with these:
If you are new to this site, EVERYthing's new!
There's nothing new under the sun, so NOTHING's new.
Don't ask what's new; ask instead, what isn't old....
Forget that last bullet point, please.
'Meme' is the new 'new'.
Buk-buks are the new gnus.
"Don't tell me what is not new, instead sing to me of what is not not old." --Shake Willspeare
A more robust, seamless interface, in order to serve you better.
If you have to ask, you'll never understand anyway.